Thursday, October 18, 2007

Investigating CacheFullException for Entity

Why does the problem occur?
A CacheFullException will be thrown when no more beans can be inserted into the cache. This is because the cache is full with beans which are currently participating in a transaction, or the instances cannot be removed from cache because of other reasons. If any bean in the cache can be found that is not active in a transaction, it will be replaced by the current one. The index for the beans in cache is (primary key, transaction).

CacheFullException - for Entity Beans
There are different reasons that can lead to a CacheFullException for Entity beans:

1. The property is set too small to hold all the number of beans that are simultaneously active.
Note that for WLS 6.1, after upgrading to a service pack equal or higher than SP4, this can be an issue, as the setting has not been considered before for Database concurrency.

2.The implementation of the primary key class is incorrect. The related methods equals() and hashcode() need to return unique values for each and every possible primary key value. If this is not the case, there may be instances in the cache that are not reused and not removed from the cache even though they are no longer participating in a transaction. This means the cache may contain instances of entity beans that are not active in a transaction, but cannot be removed, as the index into the cache is not working because of the primary key (PK) class that is improperly implemented.

Note: It is good practice to ensure that all PK classes have been implemented correctly in your code. See sample below where a small coding error caused a problem:

public boolean equals(Object o){
if (o instanceof AbcPK) {
AbcPK otherKey = (AbcPK)o;
return (companyId.equals(otherKey.string1)&& string1.equals(otherKey.companyId));
} else
return false;

The code is comparing the wrong fields as follows:


should be:




should be:


3. If the property is set to true, an EJB instance is created and put into the cache for every value that is returned from a finder method.The cache needs to be sized large enough to hold all those EJBs simultaneously, as the finder runs in one transaction. Alternatively, set to false so that EJBs are instantiated only if needed.
4. For WebLogic Server version 6.1, please ensure that the property is set, because otherwise the beans in the cache may not be re-used.
For versions greater or equal than WLS 7.0 SP5 or 8.1 SP3, the property can be used to specify the maximum length of time an entity bean stays in the cache before it is removed. This helps to free memory used by the cache in peak times.
5. For EJBs that use container managed relationships, relationship-caching can be turned on in order to improve performance. Please check the related tag in the weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor to find out if you use this feature. The settings need to consider the possible sizes of result sets for relationships. This may be relatively large compared to the number of parent beans used.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Unit Testing with Junit

Unit Testing with Junit

This article introduces unit testing, distinguishes it from other types of testing, and shows how unit testing can help you deliver more robust code with a lower bug rate in less time. JUnit is used to help achieve this since it’s the defacto unittesting framework for Java

Types Of Testings
There are many types of testing strategies used in software development. But In a typical software project, there are two types of tests that are most important: programmer tests and customer tests. These are otherwise known as unit tests and acceptance tests, respectively.Unit tests and acceptance tests are equally important and, as such, should not be overlooked when developing any sort of serious enterprise or largescale application.
Example we can take of our tradebeam application.

Compares ion between unit tests and acceptance tests.

Unit Tests ---------------------------- Acceptance tests
Defined by developers . ------- ---------------- Defined by customer.
Develops confidence in developer .------ --- Develops confidence in customer.
Test small unit in isolation. ------------------- Test entire application
Low level testing High Level testing.------- -- Done progammatically Done by hand or by script
100% automated ------------------- --------- Mixture of automation and manual intervation.

These two testing techniques complement each other. Neither on its own is sufficient. Many projects tend to use one but not the other.
Without unit tests, acceptance tests become very tedious to write and run. Many more combinations need to be tested, since there is less confidence in the underlying code. This results in much more manual labor.
Without acceptances tests, there is no process for determining when the software meets the requirements of the customer. This results in vague development cycles that drag on and on.

More details and other information on this topic refer to following site.